Expert Childcare Team

At Pinocchio’s we believe that happy staff= happy children= happy parents.

We are very proud of our excellent teams. A large number of our employees have been with us for many years!

We are delighted to achieve Investors in People Gold in 2019 and Investors in Young People in 2020 and wholeheartedly believe that offering quality training to our teams impacts positively on the children's development. The majority of our employees are qualified professionals in Early Years Care and Education. Our employees who are not yet qualified are working towards this.

We offer a training programme for all our team members which includes as a minimum- first aid, food hygiene, child protection and manual handling. We close for one day annually to hold an in-service staff training day. We gather feedback from our teams in advance to investigate which training will be most beneficial each year. Previous years events have included – Team building, customer service, infection control, health and safety, curriculum training and more.

Meet the Management Team

Katrina Weir

Operational Director

Katrina Weir

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Sarah Mundey

Eskbank Nursery Manager

Sarah Mundey

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Gemma Gulland

Heriot-Watt Nursery Manager

Gemma Gulland

Kerryanne Tumulka

Gilmerton Nursery Manager

Kerryanne Tumulka

Pinocchio's Children’s Nurseries are a group of 5 award winning children's nurseries across Edinburgh & Midlothian.

We currently have purpose built day nurseries in Eskbank, Lasswade, Penicuik, Heriot Watt and Gilmerton.

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